Home | Report danger

Home | Report danger

Report any danger

If you come across anything that could be problematic, hazardous or dangerous to dogs, mark it on our map and make a report in seconds.

Post & Get updates on any dangers in your area

Have you ever been in a situation where you bumped into a pack of stray dogs roaming wild on the street, or encountered a large wasp hive on a tree in a busy dog park, or discovered poisonous plants in a popular dog walking area? Don't worry, we can help you figure out what to do in these kinds of situations. Just make a "danger" report in the Wuff app when you discover something dangerous in your area. The sooner you act, the more likely you will alert other dog parents to potential dangers and hazards.

How to use this feature

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Create a danger report with the Wuff app in a matter of seconds. Include all relevant details and publish. You do not need to register to report.

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Send out a community notice by posting your report in our danger menu. Users of Wuff may share and comment on your post.

Screenshot Wuff feature icon


Wuff posts are compatible with and shareable on all social media platforms, allowing you to reach the largest possible audience for your report.

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Get the free Wuff app now

Scan the QR code to start downloading the app, and then join the community of local dog lovers in your area. iOS and Android versions are both available.